Predator Prevention

deterrents and protection

Here is a list what you can use and do to keep your feathery babies safe from everything that wants to eat them. I have divded them in deterrents: for when you free range and protection: safe coop.

Remember movable deterrents needs to be moved regulary. Predators learn if they are in the same place, they will not be dangerous. 


Predator Eye Ballons (Rovdjursöga ballong): These give the illusion of another predator. Most predators do have an enemy of their own. There for will avoid other predators. 

These can be found at both Amazon and Temu.

Shiny things (blänkande saker): This is a classic to use. Many talk of hanging CDs in the trees but there is alot of diffrent stuff you can use. Its not understood why birds of prey do not like shiny stuff, its believed that they do not like their own reflection (the look of another bird?). I would speculate that the shiny reflection gives them an unclear look where they should land.

What you can use: mirrors in all diffrent shape and sizes, cds,  pinwheels, decrotive sprials and there is a special "tape" thats reflective thats cheap to use and easy to use.

Most of these stuff can be found in any store. My suggestion is to check out the kid section. 
The tape, spirals and pinwheeld can be found at Amazon and Temu. 

Classic Scarecrow (Klassiska fågelskrämmor): Most predators will avoid humans. There for anything that resemble a human is a good use. You can easy build your own. I took my shot and bought Halloween decorations. These are easy to move and do well as a human Scarecrow. 

Blinking eyes/light (Blinkande ögon/ljus): Like predator eyes ballons this gives an illusion of another predator. Most of these are driven by solar light. You can also get them with ultrasonic sound to make the predator un comfortable.

You can get these at Amazon and Temu.

Electric fencing (elstängsel): This is one of the best deterrents and prevention you can use. Not only that the predator will get a nasty suprise. The sound of the power going thrue to the wire will make them avoid the area.

Check out my guide to electric fencing

Smelly rags (illaluktande trasor): Most predators have a sensetive nose and there for will avoid strong odours. Get an old towl, tshirt, sock or something and drench them in anything that has a strong odour. Good choises are vinegar and parfumes will give the illusion of human scent.

You can also buy like "mink control" in a bottle but you get the same effect with anything you can it the normal store.

Netting/Strings (Nät/linor): I am not talking about mesh netting. If your free range area is suited for it you could cover your area in bird netting/berry netting. This will give birds of prey an illusion of that it is not safe to land and also if they do try to land they will get tangled up. 

Another popular product is to use fishing line to string it out. It gives the same effect and it will slow them down.

IMPORTANT: If you get a tangled up bird you need to be able to remove and release it. Also make sure the fishing line is sitting tight so it does not come loose and your birds get hurt by it.

Geese/Guinea Fowl/Turkeys (Gäss/Pärlhöns/Kalkoner): They are loud and have great guard insticts. The predators will still try but most likley any of these birds will sound the alarm to warn the flock. Many predators do not like the hassle of attacking a frecious bird like geese.

Learn more about Geese

Dogs/Alpaca/Donkeys (Hundar/Alpackor/Åsnor): Dogs are the best protection you can have against predators. Other animals with the same guard instincts are dogs are alpacas and Donkeys. These animals will protect their herd. 

Sensor Spotlight (rörelsevakt spotlight): Imagine you are a predator prowling on a prey and then BAM a big light comes on. This is what these lamps can do to help you keep predators away. Many of these are solar drived, which makes them easy to place. 

Cats (Katter): They them self will not fight off a predator, but they will take whats draws the predator in: mice and rats. If you can keep mice and rat population down, you will lower the risk for a predator visit. Cats have also been known to kill predators such as minks.


To keep your birds safe, your goal should always be to build a fort knox as their home. Here comes some tips how you can succed.

Mesh wire and NOT chicken wire (Putsnät och INTE hönsnät): This is a common misstake just caused its called "chicken wire". The fact its only ment to keep chickens in and not predators out. You can rip thrue chicken wire with your own hands. Using chicken wire is serving your birds on a plate.

The right locks (rätt lås): Do not underestimate how smart predators can be, a simple lock can easily be open. Check out locks used for child saftey to use instead!

Make it anti-dig proof (Gör det gräv säkert): Foxes will often dig to get to your birds. There is diffrent tactics to stop this.

  • You can dig down some mesh wire into the ground around your run. Place the dirt back on top of it. 
  • Cinder blocks or other type of stones around the run. 
  • Place mesh wire as a floor inside your run. Attach it to the sides of your run. Place some dirt or bedding on top of it.

Do not overlook small holes (Var försiktig med små hål): A mink or a weasel can get thrue holes the size of a quarter. A rat can get thrue a 20mm hole.