About Me

Hello! So happy you found it to my page! Who am I then?

My name is Michelle. I am a married, middle aged woman living on the countryside in Sweden.
With my passion and love for my animals I devolped a vegan lifestyle. I try to inspire that all animals should be treated equally. Why eat one and call another a pet?
Im a introvert, who always find my self at home on diffrent projects. Side by side by my poultry hobby, my love for gardening have grown. I love flowers, but also have a goal to become self sufficents with food in a vegan way. Mostly show that this can be done. 

My hobby that has been with me the longest, is the love for movies. I always said that the Tv raised me. I see behind the picture on the screen. The effort of the actors, the storyplot and the envoriment in the movie. How much love someone have put into making an amazing story.

Our Homestead

I have grown up with loads of animals and still had some animals by my side when we moved to our house in 2019. I had 0 experience with livestock and poultry, when we settle down on what would become our homestead.

I always heard that ducks are amazing pestcontrol in the garden and as my garden hobby grew, the intrest for natural pest control became bigger. One winter day we brought home our first poultry, 3 little ducklings. With that my love for poultry grew more and just a half year later we brought home our first chickens.

Other animals on our homestead includes: a cat, a crested gecko, a turtle and a tarantula.
We previous had a dog and 3 gerbils RIP

Why did I start this website?

I found out pretty fast that the poultry community is a harsh one. People judge and are going to give you 300 diffrent answers. 

As my experience grew I wanted to be there for people who are confused, like I once was over these amazing creatures. 

My idea with this website started with one of my chickens who sufferd from Wry Neck. I found my self typing the treatment and advice over and over again. A proper guide that I could send people just with a link was sure needed. 

With the Wry neck I saw people culling their birds with wry neck condition just cause they did not know what it was. When its totally curable. Spreading the knowledge of wry neck, I hope will save life of these birds.

With animals, comes also sick animals. The story of my birds who have gone thrue a journey like this you will find under Storytime.